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Des Dobreva is The Branding Queen.
And she’s epic.
Not because she’s dominating the business branding arena (which she totally is) —
But because she’s also a down-to-earth and genuine human being.
(and she has two rescue cats named Lucifurr and Sushi!).
Whether it’s leaving Bulgaria at 22 to study abroad, washing dishes to pay for university, or fighting back against cyber-bullying …
Des Dobreva is a powerhouse.
Coming from one of the poorest European countries, Des had to fight her way through life.
After being cyber-bullied, she wanted to call it quits and take her own life.
But she didn’t.
Des realised she had a choice.
So after hitting rock-bottom, Des decided to give life another chance.
When studying abroad in Denmark, Des couldn’t even afford the plane ticket home to see her parents.
But – she was determined to succeed.
So Des worked hard, pushed through the pain, and learned all she could about branding.
Now — Des Dobreva empowers her clients to build authentic brands and online communities in their niche.
She first fell in love with branding as a teenager.
After watching Gossip girl, Des saw the power of recreating your identity through branding (enter: Blair Waldorf).
So at 22, Des moved to Denmark to get her Masters in Branding.
She washed dishes to pay her way, and then landed a social media marketing job after graduating.
Des built up some freelance work, before shifting into building her own branding business.
Now, she offers courses and empowers business-owners to create killer, authentic, attention-stealing brands.
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backward. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”
Steve Jobs
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Sometimes, life deals you a bad hand.
It can be rough.
But if you look closely, it can also be a chance to grow.
To re-create yourself.
To question who you are, and who you want to be.
It doesn’t always make sense at the time … but looking back … the pieces start to fall into place.
Des Dobreva is using her own journey to empower others.
She has learned the power of trusting yourself and building authentic confidence.
And then communicating it through branding.
Des fights back against people who try to tear her down (it’s so cool).
Because — you can leverage your rage to fight back against crazy obstacles and online trolls.
You can use your rage to change the world.
Rage is a source of passion.
It’s fiery.
And it can drive you to take action.
The direction you take is up to you.
You can let your rage limit you — by directing it at yourself, your children, or your relationships.
Or — you can use it to build something great.
And if you want to learn more about branding from Des, click here to get her free mini-training.
Show Notes – You’ll Discover
- How Des left Bulgaria, travelled the world, and built a wildly successful online branding business
- How Des overcame suicide and cyber-bullying
- Why speaking English is a privilege that so many of us take for granted
- The relationship between rage and passion
- Why Des settled in London after travelling the world (she’s also lived in Malta, Barcelona, Edinburgh and Thailand…)
- The power of online memberships, recurring subscriptions, and communities
Connect with Des Dobreva:
Ellie Goode — Host of the Provocative “Sex, Money & Rage“ Podcast, Nervous System Junkie, and Plant Psychonaut 🌿
I created Sex, Money & Rage to talk about everything that’s taboo. BDSM. Plant medicine. Healthy Rage. Kink. Emotions. Boundaries. Money issues. Less thinking, more feeling. How to get into your body and silence your overactive mind.
Sex, Money & Rage provides straight-up, powerful nervous system tools to help you dominate life’s toughest moments.
All podcast episodes are located here.
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“The title sucked me in and I am glad! I just found out about this podcast and I was very impressed! The interview style is very interesting (not your usual dry interview questions) and gives a lot of insight into the way the guest thinks and held my attention the entire time.“
Dumpster Muffin – USA
First-time listener but definitely not the last…Sex, Money & Rage connects listeners to impressive people with fascinating experiences to share. SMR is authentic, thought-provoking and an entertaining listen.
Jack, USA
Thank you for creating this space for people like-minded to talk openly and and feel OK to talk about these things.
Beau, Australia
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